Your princess is on her way! We’re preparing the best princess party entertainment just for your little girl, and we’ll take care of it all. You don’t have to worry about your princess guest’s arrival, because we will do everything we can to make it a completely stress-free experience for you. This will leave you with plenty of time to figure out the other important details of your party and give you plenty of time to enjoy the celebration right along with your children!

You've Invited Your Princess; What's Next?

Work Through Your Questionnaire

It may sound intimidating when we say that we’re sending you a questionnaire to prepare for your party, but it’s only a simple form to help you and The Princess Party Co. in San Jose prepare for what will surely be a magical day. You’ll need to fill us in on some details about the event, like the date, time, and address of your party space. We’ll also ask you if there is any additional information about your child we should be aware of while preparing your princess visit. If you need any help with this, our fairy godmothers are always around to go through it with you!

Come Up With Your Invitations

The invitations are one of the most important things to prepare for any birthday party. You’ll want to figure out all the pertinent details (handily compiled in your questionnaire!) and make sure to also include the necessary RSVP information. As for the design of your invitations, the possibilities are endless! Maybe you want to browse Etsy shops for customizable creations, or maybe you’d prefer to haul out the craft supplies and spend an afternoon hand making some with your little girl. You can also go the digital route and email invites straight to your young guests’ parents. It’s always a sweet idea to use your chosen princess as the basis for your invitations, so using her signature colors or a silhouette of her will make your invitations even more special!

Dream Up Your Decor

Your little girl will be enchanted by a beautifully decorated party space! Just imagine the look on her face when she walks into her living room to find that it has been transformed into a fairytale land fit for a princess! Whether you want to plan an intricate, royal environment for the big day or you’d prefer to stick to the classic birthday party basics, infusing a little bit of your princess guest into the theme is a magical idea. Using her color palette and signature items from her stories will make for wonderful photos your little girl will want to look at again and again.

Bake Your Cake

The cake is one thing you definitely won’t want to forget! Make it a special treat by featuring your princess character through your use of colored frosting. An Ariel cake might use blues and greens for its frosting with seashell design accents. If Belle is your princess guest, red and yellow frosting with roses or edible flowers will be perfect. You can design your cake as simply or elaborately as you’d like. Don’t forget to snap a photo of the finished creation before it is served!

Prepare Some Party Favors

Your child’s friends will be delighted to see that you’ve put together party favors just for them! It’s always a nice gesture to thank the kids for attending your little girl’s celebration, and there are plenty of ideas for unique and simple party favors everyone will love. You can hand out bags of wrapped candy, temporary tattoos, stickers, crayons and activity books, wands, crowns, or dolls. Your little girl can include a handwritten note of thanks with each favor.

Let Everyone Know A Princess is Coming

We recommend letting your guests know that a princess is going to be in attendance at your party so that everyone will arrive knowing what to expect. For some children, knowing who will be present is important for them to feel comfortable. You don’t have to worry that there won’t be enough surprise left in the day once you let everyone know about the princess, because there is plenty of magic to go around!